Bees are essential creatures as they pollinate food crops. They play an important role in the preservation of healthy ecosystems. Apart from food production, they enormously contribute to the enhancement of landscapes. Through beekeeping, one can earn an endurable living. It is our foremost responsibility to protect bees and other pollinators.
-Albert Einstein
Gobuzzr is a Smart Beehive Monitoring System that uses IoT technology allowing the beekeepers to preserve the honey, hives, and colonies even when they are far away.By acquiring our device, you can examine the conditions of the beehive and communicate through the mobile app.Gobuzzr monitors the weight of the beehive, temperature, and humidity with the aid of integrated sensors.
Gobuzzr provides a scalable and robust solution and keeps you informed about the real-time information of the bee workers.
Our device collects statistical data like weight, temperature and humidity, and sends it to apiarists. Finally, they approach beehives for honey collection.
We can easily track the humidity, temperature, and analyze the reasons for sudden hive deaths.
The beekeepers need not travel unnecessarily as our smart device sends all the updated information in the form of notifications.
Our Smart beehive monitoring app sends instant alerts to the beekeepers if there is any change in weight, temperature, or humidity conditions.
If you wish to add your honey and honey related products in our website platform.
Farmers and landowners can generate income with zero effort. Owning an apiary not only compliments and amplifies the pollination of crops, but also individuals can earn without hassle. GoBuzzr does it all.
Check your estimation below.
Choose Land in Acres
No of Beehives
No of Gobuzzr box required
Your Honey Production Per Season
Approximately Revenue you earn (after expenses)
Gobuzzr is an IoT-based Smart Beehive Monitoring System that provides a one-stop solution for Growers and beekeepers. The sensors are integrated with the Beehive monitoring device and monitor different parameters like weight, temperature, humidity, etc. If there is any declination in the honeybee count or sudden changes in the weight, temperature, and humidity conditions instant notifications will be sent to the apiarists through our Smart app.
Mylapore , Chennai
Marthandam, Kanyakumari
Mathuranthakam, Chengalpetu
Our exclusive app provides a streamlined experience for everyone. Our UI is simple, exceptional, responsive & user-friendly & navigation takes place seamlessly. We have developed the UI in a unique manner working smoothly for the different cross platforms.
Gobuzzr has earned top-notch credits and prominent reputations among several press and media. We are honored to be one of the top 30 companies selected by NASSCOM. Still, to date, we are updated with modernized trends and technologies. It is just a trial path of achievement and more to go on with the global level!!
Apiarists can now monitor their bee boxes and hives from anywhere, anytime through their mobile and other devices eliminating the usual manual process.
TANSIM implemented Tamil Nadu Startup Seed Grant Fund (TANSEED) as a primary initiative to promote the startup Culture in Tamil Nadu.
Microsoft India said it has collaborated with Invest India to support tech startups in the country.
Housed and executed by Invest India, AGNIi Mission helps startups become enterprise-ready.
Microsoft India on Tuesday said it has collaborated with Invest India to support tech start-ups in the country.
The startups selected to be a part of the Microsoft for Startups programme will gain access benefits like Azure credits as well as support for technology and business acceleration, focused on scaling their growth.
The startups will be able to utilise Microsoft technology, including Azure, GitHub, and M365, allowing them to quickly build and run their businesses, the statement said.
The 11 startups will gain access to benefits including Azure credits, as well as support for technology and business acceleration, focused on scaling their growth.
They will be able to utilise Microsoft technology including Azure, GitHub, and M365, allowing them to quickly build and run their businesses, the company said in a statement.
Microsoft has onboarded 11 startups into the Microsoft for Startups program.
The startups selected to be a part of the Microsoft for Startups programme will gain access benefits like Azure credits as well as support for technology and business acceleration, focused on scaling their growth.
"The collaboration between Microsoft and Invest India affirms our commitment to the startup ecosystem in the country, aid Emily Rich, Director of Startups, APAC, Microsoft.
Microsoft partners Invest India to support tech startups.
Microsoft India on Tuesday said it will collaborate with Invest India,Goverment of Indian's national and facilitation agency, to support tech start-ups in the country.
The startups will be able to utilise Microsoft technology, including Azure, GitHub, and M365, allowing them to quickly build and run their businesses, the statement said.
Under this collaboration, Microsoft for Startups program will work with the Government’s Accelerating Growth for New India’s Innovations (AGNIi Mission), a program of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India
As part of the partnership, the Microsoft for Startups programme will work closely with Accelerating Growth of New India's Innovations (AGNIi Mission) - a programme of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, a statement said.
Housed and executed by Invest India, AGNIi Mission helps startups become enterprise ready. With support from AGNIi Mission, Microsoft has onboarded 11 startups into the Microsoft for Startups program.
The startups will be able to utilise Microsoft technology, including Azure, GitHub, and M365, allowing them to quickly build and run their businesses, the statement said.
The startups selected to be a part of the Microsoft for Startups programme will gain access benefits like Azure credits as well as support for technology and business acceleration, focused on scaling their growth.
The 11 startups would gain access to profit including Azure credits, and support for technology and business acceleration, with a focus set on scaling their growth.
Microsoft India announced its collaboration with Invest India, Government of India’s national investment promotion and facilitation agency, to support tech startups in the country.
The Microsoft for Startups programme will work closely with Accelerating Growth of New India's Innovations (AGNIi Mission), a programme of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Indian government.
The collaboration between Microsoft and Invest India affirms our commitment to the startup ecosystem in the country.
The 11 Start-ups will gain access to benefits including Azure credits,as well as support for technology and business acceleration,focused on scaling their growth.
Established and executed by Invest India, AGNIi Mission aids startups become enterprise ready. The selected startups would also get personalised technical sessions, content, and mentorship.
They will be able to utilise Microsoft technology including Azure, GitHub, and M365, allowing them to quickly build and run their businesses, the company said in a statement.
Deepak Bagla, MD and CEO of Invest India, said fostering strong ties with the top enterprises in the world to nurture Indian innovation is one of the most important contributions of AGNIi in ensuring India's continued strength in the global economy.
Housed and executed by Invest India, AGNIi Mission helps startups become enterprise-ready. With support from AGNIi Mission, Microsoft has onboarded 11 startups into the Microsoft for Startups program.
As part of this collaboration, the Microsoft for Startups program will work closely with Accelerating Growth of New India's Innovations (AGNIi Mission)
We have won many prestigious awards in different categories that witness our hardwork and dedication. We feel proud of our achievements which is a sign of success. Our reputation and fame speak more value. We do not fail to help our customers to grow their businesses and earn more profit.
Gobuzzr for Bee enthusiasts
2 node devices have been installed to capture the weight, temperature and humidity of the hive controlled by 1 Master Device at a Mango farm.
Gobuzzr for Farmers
Installation is done for Tamil Nadu Rural Development to support the people of the locality.
Automated 3 hives with 3 Node devices to capture the weight, temperature and humidity of those hives and the data is transmitted to the cloud via a Master Device.
Gobuzzr for Students
2 node devices have been installed to capture the weight, temperature and humidity of the hive controlled by 1 Master Device.
At Zoology Research Department 2 Hives has been automated to benefit students in the study of Bee harvest and business.
Gobuzzr for Farmers Business
Installation is done for Farming House to support the framer business growth.
Automated 10 hives with 10 Node devices to capture the weight, temperature and humidity of those hives and the data is transmitted to the cloud via a Master Device.
Reach out to us if you have any questions. To respond to your questions, our team is on call 24/7. Your satisfaction is our real happiness and it is our pride!!